Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Feeling good about the startup!

Hello friends!  

     So I know its been a while since I've blogged about my catering startup.  To refresh the past post it was pretty much saying how stupid the process was.  Here I am just trying to use my skills to provide for my family and the city telling me I cant do it because of zoning issues.  I still don't really get it since there is already a full working kitchen where I work currently and to tell me I cant use this fully functioning kitchen was pretty ludicrous to me.  But I guess things just are the way they are sometimes and nothing worth doing is ever easy.
     I am happy to report that this past week has been very productive to me finally achieving my goal and starting my own business!  I have another application in to the city of Poway but this time thanks to some of my vendors and their tips, I have secured another commercial kitchen that is already licensed by the city to operate.  I have had nothing but great encounters with the owner of the kitchen and it just leaves a great feeling that I am finally going to get this gig off the ground.
    I have had the privilege to do a couple tasting for a couple interested clients and one of them one of my long time friends.  I think I am more excited to finally be able to share what I feel is my calling with others.  I've gone through the treacherous journey of planning a wedding myself (Not that treacherous Mel!) and remember that some of the food that we had to chose from our caterer was so basic for lack of a better word.  I really want my company to be able to cater to what the bride and groom want rather than just choose from a set list of foods which to me sounds bland don't you think?  Custom catering is where I feel is more in demand, even on a budget.  I'm making sound like I have achieved so much already and I really haven't done anything at all really, but just the amount of thinking and formulating ways to start something on your own really takes it toll on you, and I haven't even done an event yet!  I plan on trying to get my name out there by doing some of the local farmers markets and really just relying on social media and word of mouth to establish myself.
     I feel all the waiting and being told no really does lend itself to something better in the end as long as you keep working at it.  I am so excited for what is to come and I just want to thank all my friends for supporting me and believing in what I do.  In food you are only as good as your last plate and through the hundreds of steps that it takes to make a single dish I feel if someone is making your food that is only in it for the money, that is what is going to be reflected in the flavor and plating of the food.  I'd really appreciate if everyone would get my name out there and take the time to share my blog and maybe I'll get the chance to share my passion with you all!  

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